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    Auspicious Lamp; — Lianping Faith Lantern

    Lianping Faithful Lantern is unique Hakka arts and crafts. This book introduces Lianping Faith Lantern from its historical origins, development and evolution, attempting to record inheritance, innovation and application from the past until today.
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    Beautiful China – Video

    This project is the first panorama, documentary and image publication in China to reflect the living status of Chinese people. It has very high academic value and the value of historical
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    几十年来,季先生的学术研究领域广泛,加之勤钻研,他在语言学、佛学、历史学、文学、文化学、比较文学等方面都卓有建树,但他用心最多、成就最大的则是对印度学的研究。在印度学研究方面,他对印度的语 言、历史、文学、文化及中印文化关系史等方面有独到见解,成就斐然。因此,印度著名的瓦拉那西大学授予他最高荣誉“褒扬奖”、印度文学院授予他“名誉院 士”。 中外文化交流也是季羡林先生一贯重视的,与上述几个研究领域有关,内容相当广,研究的时间也相当长,但重点还是在中印文化交流方面。当然,他的研究“还旁 及中国与波斯和其他一些国家的文化交流”。季先生在不同的时间、不同的场合演说和不同的著作中,对中印文化交流都有精辟论述,这类文章都分散在不同的书中,他的著作如“山”,读者想一一查找有关内容,费力耗时,也许不便。为适应目前形势发展的需要和方便读者,今天,我把他的一些有关文章收集整理,精选25篇,汇集成册,经季先
  • CBI图书


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    内容简介:Mr. Cui is a forty-year-old audio technician and a passionate audiophile. He is also divorced and living in his mother’s old apartment, which his sister and her good-for-nothing husband have assumed as their own. Yet Mr. Cui’s luck appears to change radically when he was introduced to a wealthy but mysterious client. Loss of control drives Mr. Cui to the client, Ding Caichen, who turns out to
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    作者介绍:A Yi was born in 1976. After spending five years as a police officer, he quit to become the editor-in-chief of the bi-monthly literary magazine Chutzpah. He has written two collections of short stories, Grey Stories and The Bird Saw Me, some of which have been published in Granta and The Guardian, and he was named by People’s Literature as one of the Top Twenty Literary Giants of the Future i
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    内容简介:During the Golden week of 2008, Mei Xiaoou met a big client at Macau Airport: the charming real estate tycoon Duan Kaiwen. She took him to the VIP lounge of an exuberant casino, and kicks off the gamble of a lifetime. While the game is still proceeding, Mei Xiaoou got news that one of her former clients, who lost everything and has been banned from the casino, the wooden sculpture artist Shi
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    内容简介:Jiuzhou is a world constructed based on Chinese history and fairytales. It was built in 2002 by a group of young authors who joined forces to start the magazine Jiuzhou Fantasy and published a series of Jiuzhou novels. Jiuzhou: The Nebulous Chronicles is the foundation of the world of Jiuzhou, it is one of the most important novels in China’s modern fantasy fiction, and it is the best work
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    The Qixi Festival: The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl

    The Qixi Festival: The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl is a pre-intermediate (900 words) Chinese reading about the Qixi Festival, telling the love story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, a story related to the origin of the festival. The story is told using concise language and fantastic illustrations. A wordlist is provided for the story in the book, and small exercises and a passage for extended r
  • CBI图书


    内容简介:Set in a small village in southern Shaanxi Province, the story follows the life of the old man (Lao Sheng), a funeral singer, who has lived through the entire 20th century and witnesses the life and death in the village. Each chapter starts by quoting and interpreting Book of Mountains and Seas, an ancient classic on the geography and species of China. Jia Pingwa wants to do the same thing wi
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    Scotland, Spain, India, Japan – these are just a few of the stops on Chinese tycoon David Yang’s never-ending tour of the world’s most exclusive eateries. Before making his fortune in the meat import industry, David grew up in poverty. When he encounters the like-minded Helen Zhu he is delighted to have discovered a partner who can share his epicurean pilgrimage. Yet when a case of acute pancreati
  • 版权合作

    An Illustration to Chinese Culture Volume of Art

    This book is on the traditional art of China, it is comprehensive and written in a way that is accessible for readers, enhanced by vivid illustrations. It will be invaluable to all the readers who
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    The Red Drugs

    The book takes the stories happening in a remote army hospital as the entry point, showing us the cruelty and complexity of wars through all kinds of characters, plots filled wit
  • CBI图书

    Murdering the Things Past

    作者/Author:Cai Jun 出版时间/Publication Year: November 2014 书号/ISBN: ISBN 978- 7-5063-7638-9 定价/Price:¥38.00 内容简介/Introduction: In a summer night, it rained heavily. A mystery murder happened in a grocery store at the opposite side of Nanming High School. The only witness is the thirteen-year-old boy who is the son of the victim. 15 years later, the case is still unsolved. The police
  • CBI图书


    作者/Author:Gao Mantang 出版时间/Publication Year:January 2015 书号/ISBN:ISBN 978-7-5063-7670-9 定价/Price:¥38.00 内容简介/Introduction: In 1948, a story of love and hate lasting for half a century was triggered by an agrarian revolution in the northern country. In Maixiang Village located on the north shore of the Yellow River, peasants plough and sow on the land for living generation after g