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Murdering the Things Past


原语种:汉语 书号: 作者:Cai Jun 出版机构: 出版时间:2016-03-01

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作者/Author:Cai Jun

出版时间/Publication Year: November 2014

书号/ISBN: ISBN 978- 7-5063-7638-9



    In a summer night, it rained heavily. A mystery murder happened in a grocery store at the opposite side of Nanming High School. The only witness is the thirteen-year-old boy who is the son of the victim. 15 years later, the case is still unsolved. The police officer who was in charge of it died in an accident while on his duty. During the funeral preparation, the daughter of the police officer found her father’s work book by accident. The note mentioned the tool used in the murder is a strange purple scarf…